Acts 13:39

and by him [Jesus] all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Acts 13:39 (KJV)

Believe and justified – these are two common words talk about among Christians, but how do they go together? We must believe in God and be justified through Him.

What do those words mean? The word believe means trust, know the existence of, and obey God. We must believe in Jesus in order to be justified. The law of Moses or the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) could not justify us. When we trust God, know His existence, and obey Him; we have become justified.

The word justified, according to Google Dictionary, means, “Declared or made righteous in the sight of God.” When we believe in Jesus, we are seen as and made righteous by God. We are the righteousness of Christ.

Now let us trust and obey God that we might be declared and seen as righteous by God.

This Tuesday, I encourage you to thank God that we only have to believe in Jesus to be justified because the Torah could not justify us. Pray to God throughout the day thanking Him for His unending amazing grace that comes from our belief in Him.


Jeremiah Yonemura


  • Jeremiah Yonemura

    I grew up in a Christian home, but I never really came to know the Lord until I was twelve years old. As I’ve matured, the Lord has sanctified me in Him by His grace, allowing me to better glorify and honor Him. In middle and high school, I discovered my interest in essays and informational writing. As a Christian, I took my love for God and my love writing and squeezed them together into blog posts on my blog, which has turned into what is now the Truth and Love Ministries (TLM) Blog. When I was assigned to create a YouTube video for my Old Testament final in high school, I learned about my revived love for creating YouTube content. The next summer, the videos and the blog posts would turn my YouTube channel into an extension of the blog and TLM. Since then, I have continued to grow in the Lord and His Word, and as a student at The Master’s University, I am continually learning in my Bible classes about the greatness, deepness, and perfection of God Word. I hope to one day use the bachelors in Marketing Media that I am pursuing to share the the profoundness of God’s special revelation to His people. Yonemura Jeremiah

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