Ep. 3 Addendum – Full Interview with Jeremy Vuolo on Wisdom

How do young adults need wisdom? Where do they get that wisdom? In this extended version, Jeremy Vuolo from Grace Community Church walks us through seeking wisdom as a college student.


00:00 Addendum Introduction

00:45 Segment Introduction

01:07 Tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living? What is your involvement in the church?

01:49 Reading of James 1:5-8

02:25 In what ways have you needed wisdom, and how have you applied this passage to your life?

03:59 How have you used this passage to comfort college students?

05:21 What are some ways in which college students need wisdom?

06:27 What would you say to someone about to graduate who needs wisdom?

09:14 Practical ways to make decisions in life

10:37 Application to Relationships

12:17 Specific passages about finding a spouse

15:40 Why do you think that people who profess Christ would find it wise to enter a relationship with someone who is not a believer?

17:38 Are there any other situations in which college students need wisdom that we have not discussed thus far?

18:53 How do we know that this passage can be properly applied to college students and people in the modern day?

21:07 What would you say to someone looking for a church and how to be a faithful church member?

26:32 What are some practical ways that a college student can serve at his local body?

28:03 What are some examples of being able to love one another?

29:25 What would you say to someone looking to find a job?

32:33 Is there anything else you would like to say?

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Home Base Groove by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100563

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Scripture quotations taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc.  ⁠LSBible.org⁠ and ⁠316publishing.com⁠.


  • Jeremiah Yonemura

    I grew up in a Christian home, but I never really came to know the Lord until I was twelve years old. As I’ve matured, the Lord has sanctified me in Him by His grace, allowing me to better glorify and honor Him. In middle and high school, I discovered my interest in essays and informational writing. As a Christian, I took my love for God and my love writing and squeezed them together into blog posts on my blog, which has turned into what is now the Truth and Love Ministries (TLM) Blog. When I was assigned to create a YouTube video for my Old Testament final in high school, I learned about my revived love for creating YouTube content. The next summer, the videos and the blog posts would turn my YouTube channel into an extension of the blog and TLM. Since then, I have continued to grow in the Lord and His Word, and as a student at The Master’s University, I am continually learning in my Bible classes about the greatness, deepness, and perfection of God Word. I hope to one day use the bachelors in Marketing Media that I am pursuing to share the the profoundness of God’s special revelation to His people.

    https://www.jeremiahyonemura.com jmyonemura@gmail.com Yonemura Jeremiah

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